A Gift Card

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Religious (Any Charities - Houses of Worship - Schools)

Schools and Teachers


Give a Gift that Matters

More and more people are delighting friends and loved ones with the most meaningful presents: charitable contributions given in their name. A beautiful personalized greeting card makes it truly memorable.


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Let friends and loved ones know that you would welcome a donation in your name to make a difference, instead of yet more "stuff." It just takes a minute to create a Wish List or Registry.



With the continued spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) across the nation, the Gary Sinise Foundation has launched a dedicated campaign called Emergency COVID-19 Combat Service, which addresses the needs and priorities of those it is entrusted by the American people to serve and honor, with the addition of healthcare professionals.

During this public health crisis, Emergency COVID-19 Combat Service will be the gateway for providing grants to first responders in need of personal protective equipment when answering COVID-19 service calls. Financial assistance is also available to healthcare professionals, service members, veterans, first responders, and their families who have been impacted by the novel coronavirus.

It is time for us to protect sea turtles and rebuild their populations to healthy levels as a vital step in ensuring healthy and resilient oceans for the future.  Your contribution will support the turtle conservation and hatching sanctuary programs of Cirenas, which exists to create transformative connections between people and the environment through education, research, integration, and innovation. Cirenas occupies 4,700 acres on the Pacific...

Your donation will help support our important work. CORAL is launching a new era of reef conservation that facilitates coral adaptation to a changing climate. Our innovative conservation blueprint promotes coral adaptation within DIVERSE, CONNECTED, and LARGE networks of healthy reefs called Adaptive Reefscapes. The science tells us that when we conserve a diverse portfolio of coral reefs with differing species, variable environmental conditions, and...

Your donation will help support our various programs to protect the whales, such as: SnotBot® is a modified consumer drone, which flies through the blow of a whale and collects exhaled “snot” on petri dishes. This blow contains a treasure trove of valuable biological information: DNA, stress and pregnancy hormones, microbiomes, and potentially many other biological compounds/indicators of the animal’s health and ecology. Best of...

Confronting the issue through shark and ray conservation is a catalytic solution to this global problem. Sharks and rays are keystone species that play an essential role in our oceans and coastal communities. As apex predators, sharks and rays stabilize food webs and act as a barometer for ocean health. Fostering healthy shark and ray populations is essential to the creation of healthier ecosystems, which,...

Your donation will help us grow ChangingThePresent.org so we can generate more funding for more nonprofits and schools.   If you wish to donate online, you can do so above on this page. Just specify an amount above, add to cart, and checkout. If you wish to send a check, please send it to: Important Gifts Inc./ dba Changing The Present c/o Spiegal Legal 148...

Educate Young Girls (Beta Beta Beta)

Food for education

Friends of the World Food Program, Inc.

Donate Any

$8,775.00 raised

Your gift will provide take-home food rations to girls in school for six months to help ease the economic burden on parents. This will help convince parents to keep their daughters in school and free them from their household chores. This gives girls, who otherwise may stay at home, the chance to learn. By promoting education for girls, the World Food Program (WFP) will improve...

Playground Equipment was one of the first things to be cut from school budgets across the country. Please help our students thrive by making a tax-deductible donation to fund playground equipment!

Sports Equipment was one of the first things to be cut from school budgets across the country. Please help our students thrive by making a tax-deductible donation to fund sports equipment!

Special Needs Equipment and Supplies was among the first things to be cut from school budgets across the country. Please help our students thrive by making a tax-deductible donation to fund special needs resources!

Science Equipment was one of the first things to be cut from school budgets across the country. Please help our students thrive by making a tax-deductible donation to fund science equipment!

Theater resources were one of the first things to be cut from school budgets across the country. Please help our students thrive by making a tax-deductible donation to fund Theater resources!

Learning isn’t just about books. Students and teachers also need modern audio-visual equipment. Your contribution will enhance Sample High School students’ learning experience so they are in the best position to succeed.

Reading is at the very core of education. By helping provide students with books, you are ensuring that they become lifelong readers, that they get to explore new worlds and gain knowledge, and that they have the opportunity to pursue their dreams.

Music is valuable in and of itself, and it has been shown to improve students' academic performance all across the board. Please help students discover the joy of playing a musical instrument, express themselves, and learn a multitude of life lessons. By contributing toward musical instruments, you will enrich the lives of wonderful students.

Science Equipment for Students' Success

Help Our Students Succeed in Science and Engineering

Test College

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet,...