A Gift Card

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Religious (Any Charities - Houses of Worship - Schools)

Schools and Teachers


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More and more people are delighting friends and loved ones with the most meaningful presents: charitable contributions given in their name. A beautiful personalized greeting card makes it truly memorable.


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MusicVideo Campaign

Promote Girl Education


Regular price $4,990.00

The gift will support the creation of the Girl Stars Music Video to inspire millions of girls in India to complete their education. The music video is part of the award winning Girl Stars multi-media campaign (movies, books, radio series) which creates icons of everyday women who have changed their lives by going to school. Girl Stars are true stories of 15 women from disadvantaged...

Prevent Disease

Immunize a Dalit Child

Dalit Freedom Fund

Regular price $16.00

This gift will cover the cost of vaccinations for one Dalit child. Not only is this a practical and much needed gift, it is a small investment with a big return: a healthy childhood. Healthy children are more likely to stay in school and succeed. In addition, you’re supporting the Dalit Freedom Network (DFN) Healthcare Program, which is the first comprehensive healthcare program for Dalits....

Promote Nutrition

Solutions for India

The Synergos Institute

Regular price $500.00

Your gift will support efforts in Maharashtra, India's second most populous state, to create solutions that can be scaled up for use in many parts of the country. A local organization, the Bhavishya Trust, has been created to undertake this important task. A powerful group of Indian organizations has joined the initiative, including civil society groups, businesses key government agencies. Together, they removing deeply rooted...

Supply A Classroom

A child's desk & bench

Dalit Freedom Fund

Regular price $32.00

The Dalit Freedom Network (DFN) works towards equal education and employment opportunities for all Dalits by offering a subsidized, quality English-medium education for Dalit children through 67 Dalit Education Centers throughout North & South India. By the end of 2007, 12 new schools will open and our goal is to operate 100 schools by 2009. Often, the shortage of desks forces younger students to sit...

Support Orphans

Sustain Indian Orphans

Keep a Child Alive

Regular price $100.00

This gift will pay for all costs at the Living India Orphanage for three children for one month. At Living India, children have a place to live, food to eat, loving caretakers to watch them, and an opportunity to play and enjoy their childhood despite past tragedies. With your $100 donation, you will ensure that Living India can provide for three children for one month,...

Teach Swimming

Swim class for child

Dalit Solidarity, Inc.

Regular price $25.00

You gift of swimming lessons for a Dalit child in rural India, can mean the difference between life and death. $25 pays for a week of swimming lessons, bathing suit, towel, and kick-board for one child.

Tend to India

Healthcare tool kit

Dalit Freedom Fund

Regular price $155.00

This gift places an essential tool kit into the hands of a Community Healthcare Worker in a Dalit village. For example, a stethoscope, scale and delivery kit are basic tools that make a big difference. The Dalit Freedom Network (DFN) is building a comprehensive healthcare system for Dalits. This is a critical component of the strategy to transform Dalit villages into a place free of...

Sponsor a Child

Dalit Solidarity

Regular price $360.00

By sponsoring a Dalit child, you are effectively giving him or her a life-changing opportunity – a future with real prospects away from poverty and oppression. Sponsoring a child is just the beginning of an amazing adventure. You can offer a wonderful childhood and change that’s child’s life forever.